Prospective voters make voting easy for disabled in Badwani's Ashagram |
A touching gesture was witnessed in the disabled polling centre built in Ashagram of Badwani during the Lok Sabha election-2019. Discharging their social responsibility, prospective voters of Social Kids Force extended full support to the disabled during voting. Upon the arrival of the disabled voters, the children welcomed them with flowers and garlands and helped them in voting. This commendable initiative of the future voters proved that the new buds were blooming in the form of future voters on the tree of democracy. Polling centre turns pink All the members of Chouhan family reached polling centre 226 of Badwani assembly for the Lok Sabha election dressed in pink. The entire family posed for a selfie displaying their fingers with blue ink after polling. Friends who celebrate all festivals together, celebrate festival of democracy together Residents of Sukh Vilas Colony of Badwani city cast their votes together at Ranjit Club polling centre. They said that they celebrate every festival together in their colony. Hence they decided to celebrate the festival of democracy also by voting together. |
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Prospective voters make voting easy for disabled in Badwani’s Ashagram
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